Hey this is the page of meagre awards!!!
Some of these awards aren't really awards, well it's kinda hard to explain. Just watch.

I guess these kinda count as awards

This award I just got. It's colorful isn't it. I like colors. hehehehehe.

Here's an interesting one-
The upsidedown hippo award. . .

I picked this up for adopting pets. It's not really award because it is for people with sites with adopted cyberpets on them, but n-e-wayz, it's an award.

June 07 1999

Yu might have seen these already on the home page but since I've gotten more "awards" I put them here. TaDa!!!

aren't i heroic? he he he

Here's a new one. . .

By the way, I sent Kandis aka Wee One Rose Dust into the mysts. I got most of these awards from the Site Fights yu should read more about it there but in a nutshell (a tiny little nutshell) it's a website competition. I just filled out the application and hope to be able to join. Yu can also be a Wee One~I am Wee One Belle~and go around dusting sites. Check it out, It's really cool.
I just got this award today, (ok so not today anymore-May 20th) and it's for finding the dragon graphic next to it. Go to the site, it's really really fun.

I found another cutie, wutie, animaly, wanimaly. On Wee One Hilary's site. Go there it's sooo sick. (The good sick) Isn't the dino just sooo adorable? If yu say no. . .
Yu die...

Play Ifoundit and get the award. No I will not tell yu where it is.
Then again, if yu grovel. . .

Hey I got another award!!! Isn't it yummy? Yup Yup Yup!!!

Thanx soo much Hilary. Yup same Hilary as the Ifoundit award. Cool site+Cool award+Cool Person.
Hee hee hee.
Sorry sometimes I lose control of myself. heheheheh.